Guitar and the Bobcat

In Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon , Milkman goes on a long journey to find the gold that Macon and Pilate once possessed when their father passed away. Said journey leads Milkman to the town of Shalimar, where he goes hunting with some of the village men; they end up capturing a bobcat, which holds great significance to Milkman upon deeper analyzation. In the scene pictured below, Milkman watches as the men clean the cat. Here, the readers observe a change in Morrison’s style of writing. The narration plays back and forth between Milkman’s flashback to him and Guitar’s conversation – written in bolder, italicized font – and what he sees happening in front of him. In the parts that describe the scene in front of Milkman, Morrison uses language such as, “pierced the curling hair,” “tore like gossamer,” and “carved out the r...