Puzzle P1 - "I Want a Wife"

This was me when I first read Brandy's piece

Once upon a time, deep in the world’s profound abysses, there existed a society where women were viewed and valued as the utmost powerful human beings. Everyone respected females and no one dared mess with them. Women were entitled to their own personal husband(s) someone who cooked, cleaned, managed the children he supplied (only if the women wanted them of course), took care of the family schedule, and that of the like. My god, who wouldn’t want a husband? 
 This sadly fictitious nation exemplifies a norm that is the exact opposite of the way gender roles work today. In fact, the current demanding nature of men in society is perfectly illustrated through Judy Brandy’s rhetoric in her piece, “I Want a Wife.”  Brandy states she wants a wife who: “arrange[s] to lose time at work…and pay for the care of the children,” will “do the cleaning up while [Brandy does her] studying”, “is sensitive to [Brandy’s] sexual needs,” and even “not bother [Brandy] with rambling complaints about a wife’s duties.” Although men do not clamor for unrealistic things like pink elephants, it wouldn’t be shocking if they did. It is needless to say that women are viewed nowadays as assets to men someone who takes on their stress and does all of the work for them. It’s quite upsetting. Men feel as though they are superior to women, as though they are higher than anyone else, as though they are some distinguished being…as though they are the Jesuses of our time. I question how and why this baseless mindset exists...


  1. Creative piece here! I liked the use of gifs incorporated in the writing and how you flipped the “who wouldnt want a wife.”


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