English as the Official Language?

America is known worldwide for being a nation rich with diversity, in which peoples’ natural rights like free speech and religion are concretely confirmed in the law of the land. Unlike many other countries across the globe, America does not have an official language. In Charles Krauthammer’s words, “The Senate could not bring itself to declare English the country’s ‘official language.’ The best it could do was pass an amendment to the immigration bill tepidly declaring English the ‘national language.’” Krauthammer’s position on this topic is clearly demonstrated by his tone – he wants more, he wants ~official~. I’d have to say I disagree with him.

The United States encompasses not only our 50 states, but also the territories we have, including Puerto Rico and Guam. To make English the official language is a careless and mindless act against these people, whose main language and patrimony center around the Latin origin. We would be eradicating their culture.

Furthermore, Congress has already declared English the national language, which ensures that all government files and documents are made only in English. I would say to Krauthammer, what more could you want? Are you not satisfied already and feel the need to dismantle an entire nation all based on your subjective observations of Canada?
And, if “monoclonal immigration” is so large of a threat, why haven’t we seen any instances where ethnic groups rise up spontaneously and demand that the government adapt their language? Sure, in some hot spot parts of the country it is better, even necessary, to learn another minority’s language in order to boost businesses and thus the economy. But to view this people as a threat - when all that most want is a better life for their families and are willing and complaint to learn English - is simply heartless.

Lastly, even if English were made the official language, there would still be heavily prevalent division amongst those who speak it. Take the black vernacular for example, or the East Coast accent. Most people shamefully admit they make assumptions about these people based on the way that they speak, even though they all speak essentially the same language. What is officiality going to do about this separation? Nothing.
Basically what I’m trying to say is that it really doesn’t make a difference whether or not our nation deems English the official language. The same issues will exist, and even more potentially, as terrorist attacks and social unrest could be an impending doom.


  1. I agree with you completely. I liked your thought on how ridiculous it would be to suffocate other cultures just to try to be some utopian society, when in reality that will never happen.

  2. This is very well thought out and I completely agree. I can tell you are very passionate about the subject.


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