The Quest for Aliens

As Chet Raymo asserts, mankind as a whole must engage in a sort of “integrity and balance within nature that demands of earth’s dominant species a judicious self-restraint.” This type of equilibrium is crucial, Raymo continues, as the “unexamined quest for knowledge is hemmed with peril.”

Now, the first thing I thought of with all this heavy emphasis on restraint in regards to knowledge was aliens. Yes, aliens.

With everything we see in the media nowadays, or the lack thereof, I’m reluctant to believe that aliens actually exist. However, with all the covert operations and research occurring in areas such as the notorious Area 51, or even in the conference rooms of the FBI, there’s definitely more pieces to the puzzle than we know.

In our quest to discover the truth about aliens, I feel as though mankind is sort of screwing with the world’s mojo. I mean just as Raymo made a whole point of saying, some things are truly better left untouched. There can be real, grave consequences that accompany our selfish push for more knowledge. Potentially, if we do go too far with our extraterrestrial life journey, there could be a lot of things coming our way: possible mind control, invasion, new chemicals with the ability to eradicate masses at a time, and much more completely unknown to us. The world as we know it could change forever. I mean, there has to be a reason why we were put on different planets, in different galaxies, far away from each other. Like the radium incident, it’s better that we leave this matter alone before we blow everything out of proportion as the human race tends to do.


  1. So do you believe in aliens?
    I enjoyed your analysis of the possible "mojo" screwup that this pursuit brings. Well-written!

  2. I really liked the take you took on this-are there things that simply must not be touched? Are some things best left alone and undiscovered?


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